We've just made some improvements that were given to us by some Team and Individual sports photographers. We love siggestions. Keep 'em coming!

The CSV uploader now includes the ability to capture data for two parents and give them separate passwords. This is especially useful if the parents are divorced and need separate access to the same galleries.

Our popular GalleryMagic feature gets even more powerful! It will save you event more time by automatically creating your Team, Class or Group galleries from a CSV import. Soon we will be able to pull the images from the team/class galleries and place them in all the appropriate individuals' galleries. Stay tuned for that!

And the last thing in this update, is the ability to export all the Student, Athlete or Subject data from our system in to a CSV which can then be used to automate your team and individual photography composites using software such as Pixnub.

Our SortMagic high-volume photography app just got even easier and smarter!

Gallery Search

Now you can easily find a gallery in a long list by simply typing into our new gallery search bar.

Customer Email

You can also add an email address when adding a gallery and we will turn that into a customer in your CRM, attach that customer to the event as a Known Customer and password protect the new gallery with that Known Customer's password so all that data is saved for you. After uploading, all your customers from the event will be listed and ready for you to mass email.

Watch the video to see these two features in action.

proofpix-SortMagicGalleryImprovements from Proofpix on Vimeo.

The SortMagic App is born and it brings with it a simplicity never before experienced with high-volume photography solutions.

The SortMagic AppĀ eliminates the tedious task of sorting thousands of images into hundreds of galleries for high-volume photography events without the need for unreliable QR codes or expensive, burdensome tethering equipment.

Some highlights:
  • The app works on iOS and Android devices
  • The app can be used by multiple photographers at the same event
  • The app tracks each photographer's time per session so you can stay on track
  • The app requires just two clicks between sessions to track users
  • Galleries can be added on-the-fly for surprise/unknown attendees
  • The app can work without an internet connection and sync later when it finds one
  • Gallery URLs and passwords can be shared on the spot by any method (email, SMS, social networks)
  • The app can read QR codes to make gallery selection easier (but not required)

Watch the video to learn how easy the app is to use:

The SortMagic App is part of the Proofpix family of services that allows a photographer to proof, sell and share their photography from one unified platform.

The SortMagic high-volume photography app is available now!
Click here for installation and instructions.


We are pleased to announce that you can request emails when someone tries to access a password protected event. Prior to this we would only ask for an email address when we needed to, primarily when a user wanted to save something to their Favorites or to their cart.

Now the choice is yours. You can enable email capture in any Event's settings page.

Please keep in mind, especially for European customers, that it may not be legal (or appreciated) to market to people just because they gave you their email.

Now you may view, copy and paste a complete, alphabetical list of the files used in your clients' order or favorite selections.

Just open either an order or a favorites gallery from the admin and click the File List button to see the file names.

The Proofpix Lightroom plugin allows you to export your images from Lightroom into our system but it does not work in the opposite direction where a client's selections are pulled back into Lightroom. Well that just changed forever!

Check out the video below to see how we used the new File List feature in conjunction with the Photo List Importer Plug-in fromĀ http://www.photographers-toolbox.com/ to create a collection in Lightroom for a customer's favorites. You no longer have to waste time hunting down file names to complete your edits. Booyah!